Through the studio practice, I question the nature of the community that excludes and protects human throughout history and delve into the linguistic construction that the community embodies in a complicated manner. As a transnational artist from Korea and as a multi-lingual, I witness the complexity of communities and languages that entangles throughout local to international boundaries. Regarding community bordering that limits intersectional understanding among a variety of people of different orientations including race, gender, and culture, I aim to create a space that suggests sympathetic and subverting space outside of the hegemony of the language system. Clay is usually the main material to deform and record the trace of the body language. The use of languages and sound have become critical material as much as clay body in order to reveal the limitation of the language through the visceral and tactile medium. Yearnings for creating space for sympathy and awareness of the grey area where language never succeed are delivered through how the works are vulnerably placed in the space yet pieces voicing out their immeasurable dimension of existence through the sensorial gesture.