Jeremiah Pickett, otherwise known as Baang, is a thought provoking artist who has found value in creating work that inspires, uplifts, and encourages others. Baang spent his early years in central Arkansas before moving to Texarkana. It was here where Baang’s passion for storytelling met his love for music. Slightly skeptical of a career in entertainment, Baang prematurely denounced any desire for musical pursuits. Over time the pull of his calling was stronger than the obstacles that stood before him. Baang has curated several events in the NWA area including, “Baang and the Gang”. Baang has also been featured on Good Day NWA and Bikerack’s 2019 Summer Mixtape. The concept of B.A.A.N.G is simple – it’s a choice, a lifestyle. Believe Aspire Achieve Now Go.